Flying Squirrel #3 launch date is set Dec 7th, 2018

FS #3 Mission LabelThe launch date for FS#3 is set for Friday Dec 7th, 2018 10 AM (Aprox. time)

The Launch will take place at Lucerne Dry Lake Bed (Map) if the lake conditions are dry. If the lake is too wet/muddy for vehicle traffic, we will announce a new location over towards the Johnson Valley OHV Area to the East of the lake.

All are welcome to attend at the launch site but be aware this is a desert area and appropriate precautions need to be taken, such as carrying plenty of water, sun screen, food, warm jackets in the case of cold weather. There are no bathroom facilities at the launch site, but some are available in the area. Ground conditions are likely be dusty. Very young children are not advised as there may be significant motorcycle & OHV traffic in the area. You are responsible for the safety of you and your family.

If you are not able to attend at the launch site, there are other ways to participate from home.

  1. Track the flight progress on The Balloon callsign will be KJ6FO-11. Telemetry from the balloon will be replayed from the ground stations to the APRS network. (Link)
  2. Monitor WSPRNET (Link) for the WSPR beacons sent by the balloon. Set the Map to the 20m band, callsign to KJ6FO and time period to 1Hr.
  3. Monitor the balloon telemetry directly on 20 meters. (Details)

A number of conditions may cause a postponement of the flight, mostly likely wind/rain conditions. For safety, the prevailing winds need to not be blowing Westward, so that the flight will not pass over densely populated city. Thus, dates are subject to change if weather and other conditions do not cooperate.

Updates will be published here and on the Squirrel Engineering Facebook page.


73s de Don KJ6FO


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