CQ CQ CQ de KJ6FO If you are Licensed Ham radio operator, we can talk on the air. I run an Allstar node running at my home QTH. This node is accessible from any other Allstar node in the world. You can also connect via EchoLink from anywhere across the globe if you have an […]
I found this helpful diagram on how much current an Arduino can handle on its pins. Please follow and like us:
Sometimes you need to be able to turn devices on and off from your Arduino. If the current being drawn is low enough (under 40 Ma MAX, 20Ma recommended) then you can just use the IO pins of the controller to turn the device on and off. The Blink example program does exactly this with […]
Beautiful Squirrels Engineering – a similar site – http://beautifulsquirrelsengineering.com/ The Fourier Series Animated – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r18Gi8lSkfM Please follow and like us:
In the early days of radio, hams used Morse code to communicate over radio. The speed of sending Morse code, like the speed of a typist, depends on the skill of the operator. Typical Morse speeds might be around 13-20 words a minute. Having to send a commonly used phrase like “Can you change frequency […]